Exploring Worcester Eateries (EWE)

On Friday the 17th, Delayna and Aaron drive down to the outskirts of Virginia/DC for an Airrosti appointment to help with with Aaron’s strained hip flexors. They drove back on Saturday with Aaron in much improved condition. Left to our own devices back home, Miriam and I chose to try a new Vietnamese restaurant in Worcester called Phoever Whatever. They’ve been open less than a month and were so overjoyed to have customers they brought us complimentary Thai Iced Tea with our meal. The food was excellent – Miriam fully approved of the pho. I expect this to be the first in a series of EWE posts. 🐑



Aaron’s Final WYPO Performance and Audition News

On Sunday Aaron performed in what will be his final concert as the bassist of the Worcester Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. This is because at his audition today he made it into WYSO (Symphony), the top group that will get to tour in the Czech Republic and Austria next season. He worked so hard for this opportunity and we are so proud of him! They even extended an additional invite to be part of a small baroque chamber group (think 6-7 people total) as the bassist. This is usually reserved for the very top players since often it’s only 1-2 people per section. Along with his new teacher he’ll have at Shrewsbury High, Aaron is really looking forward to the coming year in orchestra.


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